
Basic Hard Fact About Work.#THINK (Contd)

6 - There is a limit to how much you can earn doing any job. 

Think about it. Would you pay someone $1,000 to mow your lawn, type your resume, or baby sit your children for the evening? Probably not. So, there is a limit to how much a reasonable person will pay for any job to be done. That means there is a limit to how much someone will pay you. 

Every job has a fair market value, based on how many people can do the job and what they must to be paid to do it. More people can do low skilled jobs and they are willing to be paid less -- so low skill jobs earn less. So if you reach the top of your pay scale and you want to earn more, you may need to find a job that will 

a) pay you more for the same skills, 
b) develop more skills so you can be paid to use them, or 
c) find a job that allows you to provide more of the things you really get paid for - performance, passion, expertise and resources.

 7 - People and businesses pay others to do what they do not have the time to do, prefer not to do, or cannot do.

Think about it. If you can do a job yourself, why would you hire someone to do it for you? So clients, bosses and companies pay you to do the work ... 

  • when they lack the time, tools, knowledge or experience to do it
  • when they prefer someone else deal with it
  • when you can do a much better job than they can and it matters 
  • when the job must be done right and you have a higher chance of success 
  • when they cannot do the job at all

And generally, the farther down on the list, the more other people pay. So a good way to increase your paycheck is to have the skills and knowledge to do jobs that others cannot do or which needs to be done right. 

 8 - Your job description defines your workday but your performance review is how you earn raises and bonuses. 

A job description tells you what you do all day. Your performance review answers the simple question, "how much are you delivering the things your boss and company value?" It is easy to confuse the two, and that is one of the reasons why so many people (bosses and employees alike) are frustrated and confused by the performance evaluation process. Since raises and bonuses are based on performance reviews, the sooner you figure out what your boss values and what you really get paid for the sooner you can start making those things an integral part of your workday.

Bottom line :-you can't keep working for someone for the rest of your life and hope financial freedom would happen,as a matter of fact you can't secure your future and live a life of luxury doing that,ain't need to have multiple streams of income(RESIDUAL INCOME),a business you can build per time and eventually grows to be a back up for you while still doing your daily work.

contact me if this makes sense to you.

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